SihanoukVille, Cambodia

SihanoukVille - Mary Beach Hotel & Resort

Golden Lions
Mary Beach Hotel & Resort in SihanoukVille, Cambodia.

Mary Beach Hotel & Resort

and beachside bungalows.





New Luxury Resort right on Otres Beach


"Far O" Otres Beach
rooms $60 - $180.  Air-Con, Hot Water, fridge, Cable TV, free Wi-Fi.
Beachside bungalows $30 - $40, shared bath.

Other Services
Free Wi-Fi
Beachside Bar and Restaurant
Swimming Pool
24 hour electric.

Tel: 099 766 9
Book a room at Mary Beach Hotel


Mary Beach Hotel & Resort in SihanoukVille, Cambodia.

Mary Beach Hotel & Resort in SihanoukVille, Cambodia.

Mary Beach Hotel & Resort in SihanoukVille, Cambodia.

Mary Beach Hotel & Resort in SihanoukVille, Cambodia.

Mary Beach Hotel & Resort in SihanoukVille, Cambodia.

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