SihanoukVille, Cambodia

Things to do in SihanoukVille

Golden Lions
what to do in sihanoukville

What to do? What to do?

OK. So you've seen the beaches. What else is there to do here????








Things to do in SihanoukVille.

Boating, touring around, scuba diving and snorkeling, island trips, drinking, passing out, KTV (Karaoke), Gambling, Massage, eating and more drinking, shopping.... and a few other things.

Beaches and Islands Yes we have beaches.  Most guesthouses and beach places offer boat trips to the islands, with snorkeling and meals, starting at $35 for a day trip. Not a bad deal. You can also take a boat out yourself (with captain) from many beaches.

Eating Food everywhere. On Every street corner, food comes driving down the street, walking down the street, on the beach, on rooftops and at your hotel.  Cheap food, expensive food, good food, and some bad food (fried spiders? grilled dog?).  Mostly Chinese, Indonesial, and Malaysian restaurants in town now.  (not including the Cambodian places)  If you're not used to Asia, best to keep away from some of the street side places, and always drink bottled water. (available everywhere for 12 or 25 cents a half liter)

Also, you can find 7-Elevens around town.

Boating & FishingMany types of boats are available for rent - personal watercraft, charter and group fishing and sailing boats, yachts, and party boats. And of course, Jet Skis.

With over 90 casinos in town, what more could you want?  24/7 action in and around the casinos.

Underwater A few foreign owned scuba diving and snorkeling companies are found here.  Most have the PADI designation, and have training courses, day trips, and overnight trips.  Most operate off the Islands now.  Most operate from the Islands now.

Sing Baby Sing  Several Karaoke joints and mentertainment centers as well.  These are popping up all over town now. 

Motorcycles and Bicycles You don't want to drive yourself anywhere in town now.  Period.

Also, an app called PassApp, gets you a 2+ person Tuk Tuk and very cheap to anywhere in town. 

What else???? Casinos, Waterfall, Day trips, touring around town,  stop by Yea Mao Shrine and bring her some bananas.  Computer Games in Air-Con.  Exercise, walking tours, massages, shopping, sleeping, resting & relaxing.  Learning to speak Khmer.   Watch a Khmer MovieZipline and Rope Bridges on an island..  and more (really) .....and that's about it.   Prince Huan Yu Mall, Atlantic Entertainment Mall SihanoukVille was a small resort town, but now is growing quickly.

 And don't forget shopping at the Central Market downtown!

Things to do in SihanoukVille, Cambodia.

Things to do in SihanoukVille, Cambodia.

Things to do in SihanoukVille, Cambodia.

Things to do in SihanoukVille, Cambodia.

Things to do in SihanoukVille, Cambodia.

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